Sunday, August 14, 2011

TRANSCARAIBE december 2009

There is a fish you see at the end of article which is this one, the beguining , by the way, after too many shit at sea, you don't even think to take a picture when the weather is a shit (my photos december 2009)

There is the most prodigious selfsatisfaction doing what you do at that time!

There is an instinctive animal behavior spreading on both of the creatures on that ship!

There are beers you share with yourself and in a perfect balance of pleasure!

There are settigs made for you only in a part of universe, and at a certain period.

There are lights, waves, softness, harmony you can't forget.

Do i look very sad on this day ? (somewhere in the middle of caribean sea in december 2009?

Oh my dear, i touch something near the unreal part of life, unless the normal global means the regular normal life, but at that time i was convenced i was in the right choice of (life)

Sometimes, it's better to get lost with a real fish ya killes yourselve, yeah get lost and share that in between animals!

This SABA island in the north carebean, i'll sleep a complete night crossed sails close around yeah!

On path for an uncertain future!

Not so bad set for a thirty five years old ship

Don't believe i'm glad to touchdown, the night is comming, and i can't shut down the nav!

Can you see this island,? i didn't knew it would become one of the worst prison on earth, and realy difficult to escape, even not done by the time of that post!!!!

Can't ya know? The most important thing after rougth sea is the fresh flesh food proteina !

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